Reduce chemical transport risk and put your best BEE foot forward September 20, 2018 |

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is here to stay. A high BEE score opens doors that would otherwise remain firmly shut and now black-ownership of your transporter can be key to building your BEE rating. A black-owned transporter with a record of success in the chemical industry reduces your risk and creates your advantage.

Chemicals transport – not your average load

At first glance transport may seem a relatively easy process; as simple as moving something from A to B. This is simple in theory but complex in practice. The enormity of the task increases when factors such as massive volumes and long distances are added to the equation. Add a load of chemicals to the mix (many of which are flammable, volatile, toxic or hazardous – or all of the aforementioned) and what was already difficult is made much more so. In inexperienced hands the potential for disaster is very real.

To add to this complex business there’s BEE, as well as many small, but highly skilled, black-owned transporters who don’t have the capital to grow as quickly as required for the market. The result: many large contracts are still in the hands of mainly white-owned, albeit experienced, behemoths.

Excellent track record, level 2 BEE AND 53% black owned

Until now, experienced chemical transporters with a track record in the chemical industry, and the highest levels of black-ownership have been rare.

Consequently, chemical companies were forced to forego the potential for improved BEE scorecards that procuring the services of large-scale black-owned transport company could have gained.

Now that Cargo Carriers is 53% black-owned all this has changed. Not only will their customers in the chemicals industry mitigate risk by choosing an experienced transporter with high SHEQ standards, but they can now also put their best foot forward when it comes to gaining BEE points through their choice of transport company.

Reducing risk

It’s axiomatic that risk mitigation is crucial to good business management. Deciding to choose a chemical transport company with ample experience is an obvious risk reduction strategy. Experience cannot be underestimated when it comes to this. The right equipment, SHEQ standards and processes are all rendered less effective if experience is lacking.

Just as risk reduction is one part of effective business management, so too is benefit maximisation another. Cargo Carriers is unique in the chemicals transport industry in that it has four defining characteristics. Each on its own is formidable, but together they set the company apart. These are:

  • Plenty of experience
  • Strong track record
  • High SHEQ standards
  • 53% Black-owned, level 2 BEE transporter

The immediate benefits of each of these characteristics are obvious. What is not obvious is what awaits beyond your decision to trust us with your chemical transportation needs. This is something that money can seldom buy. But in this case it can. It is peace of mind.

Contact us if you want a report on the BBBEE and the black-ownership levels of major chemical transporters.

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